Welcome to Your Family’s History!

We are a group dedicated to learn and share the early family history of the Molinos, Ugarte, Bϋhler, Bustamante, Castro, Gaete, Blasco, Carbó, Escruela, Giner, Mampel, Martín, Obón, Prats, Chadima, Hamm, Howard, Nesbit, Harper, Nooney, Cai, Wang, Nguyen,Tran, Lois and those families closely related to them.

We have no commercial purpose and we respect the privacy and safety of living individuals. Only family registered as Members can see living individuals. Visitors are shown only deceased people. For more details about our site rules, please click here.


Wish to collaborate? You can help to correct, add and to document information. Initially, Members can send their proposed changes to a Moderator via internal message or via email. In time, any user designated as Editor may propose changes directly on the website to be Accepted by a Moderator. See Guidelines and Tips for Editors.

Let us learn together!

Vicente Molinos U., Ricardo Martin M., Moderators

Gracias por su apoyo!. Nuevo web de historia familiar llega Sept 17, 2024.
Sunday, September 15, 2024 12:34 AM

Esperamos disculpen nuestra demora en agradecerles su generoso apoyo con  ideas, gestión  digital, arte, información genealógica, relatos,  fotos   y  aportes financieros.

El trabajo  de diseño conceptual, gestión de contenidos, apoyo  técnico y de mantenimiento es obra conjunta de Ricardo Martín M. y  Vicente Molinos U. en consulta con varios familiares.

 Agradecemos a Nicolás Molinos H. su apoyo  técnico para implementar el árbol familiar en software abierto Webtrees, incorporar el software abierto Wordpress  y habernos alojado  en su servidor privado por años.

El  arte final del mapa en el Homepage es aporte  de K. Ulriksen.

La contratación del diseño  a Rossi Mendez A.  y  la subscripción inicial ( dos años)  del app para traducciones, fueron  posibles gracias al generoso apoyo de quienes donaron para la  campaña  realizada en Marzo 2024 y antes:

Anónimo101, Vicente MU., Francisco UL., Macarena MD.,  Felipe MU., Nicole  ML., Ricardo MH, Nicolás MH, Ricardo MM, Jorge MD, Jaime MD,  José Manuel UA,  Nicolás UB, Katherine UR, Paulina BL, Rodrigo LF.

Los Moderadores. Sept 15, 2024.

Lost contact between Bϋhler family branches in Chile has been reestablished.
Saturday, November 25, 2023 11:44 PM

After several years of searching, we have managed to reestablish contact between the descendants of the two Bϋhler-Bosch brothers who came to Chile from Germany in the second half of the 19th century.

The eldest, Johann Georg (¨Jorge¨) (1854-1911), had ten children with Amalia Kowoll Rau in the Maullín region from 1880 onwards. Several of his descendants settled in Central Chile.

His younger brother Matthaeus (¨Mateo¨) Bühler Bosch (1864-1943), arrived in Chile in 1880 and after working in the brewing industry, bought and worked three farms around Osorno. His descendants have remained in southern Chile.

On  November 5, 2023, thanks to a mutual contact in Seattle, USA,  Paulina BL and Vicente MU met Enrique BM and his wife Margarita for breakfast, in Santiago, Chile.

On November 7, 2023, Vicente MU spent a day in Osorno, Chile meeting other family members. By comparing photos from the respective family albums, we were able to identify several characters and document the deep bonds of friendship between the Ugarte, Bühler, Lira and Ladrón de Guevara (¨Guevara¨) families and their storied adventures, which we had heard about so often from our elders.

We committed ourselves to collaborate in order to reconstruct our common family history. One goal is to, one day, visit the ancestral family areas in Southern Germany, together.

New stories ready as of Sept 21, 2024.
Tuesday, April 4, 2023 2:12 PM

The story of Juez Pedro Ugarte Ramírez can be found here.

The story about the Ugarte-Bϋhler family can be read here .

The story about the origins of the Molinos family ancestral home and town of Forcall, Spain, going back to roman  times is here.

The story about the Lois family sailing from Chile to California, is here.

The grit, perseverance and generosity of C.T,Tran and his journey from China and Vietnam to Texas, is here.

The story about the work of the Forcall native, Father Javier Obón Molinos in Ayacucho, Perú is here

Sept 21, 2024.


Sunday, July 17, 2022 11:22 PM
“Mystery woman from Bohemia to America, via a French convent”

  We are looking for her biological mother who lived in Bohemia, Austria and for the family or person that brought her to America of names Banowetz, Batowets, Rachenstein, all spellings unsure.

Marie Theresa Wilhemina sp? was born  in June 1829 to a Bohemian mother. It is likely that her father was the French General Charles Denis Bourbaki (April 22, 1816-Sept 22, 1897) who was at the time 13 years old. She may have been raised in a French convent before emigrating to America.

On Aug 10, 1857 she married a 32 yr old new bohemian immigrant and musician, Franz Joseph Chadima, at Old St. Mary’s Church in Chicago, Illinois, whose records burned on the Chicago fire of 1871.

The couple lived in Saginaw County, Michigan where they operated a music band and a dance hall on the second floor of their home. After Franz returned from the US Civil war, he became a US citizen and filed for a military pension. They relocated to Cowlitz County in SW Washington State where he received a homestead near Kalama, WA.

Marie Theresa and Franz had three children: Frank Chadima, Isabelle Chadima and Blanche Rose Chadima. Any information about Marie Theresa,who died Jan 29, 1919 in Kalama, WA, will be much appreciated!





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Seeking persons named Molinos born before 1800

The earliest individuals named Molinos  we have found in Spain are:

Pedro Molinos, Valladolid, España,  ca 1500 author of legal treatise;

Miguel de Molinos (1628 Muniesa,Teruel-1695, Roma,Italia);

Lluis Molinos, Rector Parroquia Forcall, Forcall, Castellón, España, ca 1703.

If you wish to share reliable information about the above or other Molinos persons born before 1800, or about the origins of the Molinos last name, please contact us.

The Molinos last name: Origins and global distribution.

This research was suspended in 2004. Results can be seen in the Studies section of the public website under construction, here.


Looking for Angela Muir, born in California 1851 to Carmen, born in Chile (est.1825), and Alex Muir a Scottish carpenter.

Per the US Census of 1850, a 25 year old Carmen Otero (listed as a male  by census taker), born in Chile, in est. 1825, lived in April of 1851 in California, Tuolumne, Georgetown district, with a party of three young Chilean gold miners. The  US Census of 1860 listed a Carmen Muir, living in California, San Francisco, with one daughter, Angela Muir(est. 1851-) by a Scottish immigrant Alexander Muir (born est. 1822-) and also with an 18 yr old daughter (or relative) born in Chile (born est. 1842), Celia or Cecilia?, last name unlisted. For the US 1870 Census, Carmen Muir was a widow and lived with Cecilia Muir at 1160? Powell Street in San Francisco, California. Any information about chilean born Carmen Otero, Carmen Muir, Cecilia Muir or Angela Muir will be most welcome. (VMU, Sept. 21, 2024).

Sybila Señoret Guevara (–) Blanca Olga  Bühler Kowoll (1900–1995) Marie Teresa Wilhamina (1829–1919) Frances Arvila Nesbit (1910–2006) Arturo Ugarte Castro (1872–1957) Victoria Bühler Kowoll (1881–1943) Vicente Molinos Ferrer (1888–1962) Luz María Schmidt Montes (1942–2019) Johann Georg Bühler Bosch (1856–1911) Antonio Molinos Giner (1856–1933) Antonio Molinos Giner (1856–1933) Ester Ugarte Bühler (1910–1932) Maria Angélica Ugarte Bühler (1915–2008) Amelia Gaete Castro (1870–1954) Vicente Guillermo Molinos Gaete (1900–1981) Carmen Amalia  Bühler  Briones (1920–2021) Miguel Molinos (1628–1695) Jorge Macario Bühler Briones (1924–2019) Arturo Ugarte Bühler (1900–1970) Amelia Micaela del Pilar  Molinos Gaete (1901–1962) Julián Prats Estupiña (1838–1883) Jorge Bühler Kowoll (1882–1942) Pascuala Molinos Prats (1836–1922) Johann Georg  Bühler (1819–) Vicente Guillermo Molinos Gaete (1900–1981) Manuel Blasco Ejarque (1835–1907) Matthaeus Bühler Bosch (1864–1943) Maria Elena Urbana Briones Searle (1896–) Jorge Bühler Kowoll (1882–1942) Liborio Escruela Carbó (–1798) Canh Thoi Tran (1930–2021) Julia Luisa Valdés Hidalgo (1881–1970) Franz J. Chadima (1825–1909) Carlos Isensee Muñoz (1920–1978) Victor Ugarte Bühler (1906–1982) Franz J. Chadima (1825–1909) Arturo Ugarte Castro (1872–1957) Victoria Bühler Kowoll (1881–1943) Pablo Ulriksen Ugarte (1942–2005) Pascual Molinos Ferrer (1898–1927) Gloria Ugarte Aldunate (1933–2016) Julián Prats Estupiña (1838–1883) Francisco García Kowoll (1891–)