Vicente Molinos Giner, 18501898 (aged 47 years)

Vicente /Molinos/ Giner
Birth of a brother
March 28, 1856 (aged 5 years)
España, Provincia de Castellón, Forcall
Latitude: 40.66 Longitude: -0.21
Note: Esquema Familiar por Marisa Obón, basado en cartas de Antonio Molinos Giner a su padre en Forcall dice feb 28 1856. Lista recibida por VM con datos de Consuelo y estrella dice 28 Mar 1855. Un certificado de nacimiento expedido en 1892, fotocopia enviada por Ricardo MM, dice 1856. Corregido Enero 15, 2020 por VMU. Ver carta enviada por Estrella Martin M. con razones de la partida de AMG a Chile.
Birth of a sister
Note: Lista de Consuelo Molinos dada a VAMU
Death of a paternal grandfather
Death of a paternal grandmother
Death of a mother
Death of a sister
April 28, 1898 (aged 47 years)
Family with parents
Vicente Molinos Prats, (1820-1902), Forcall
Birth: November 16, 1820 29 20 España
Death: May 2, 1901España
Marriage MarriageJune 8, 1836España
Marriage MarriageAugust 6, 1836
7 years
elder brother
5 years
elder sister
4 years
Birth: October 16, 1850 29 29 Spain
Death: April 28, 1898
6 years
younger brother
Antonio Molinos Giner (1855-ca
Birth: March 28, 1856 35 35 España, Provincia de Castellón, Forcall
Death: July 13, 1933Chile, Region Metropolitana, Provincia Santiago, Santiago
4 years
younger sister
Franz J. Chadima (1825–1909) Eduardo Ugarte Bühler (1903–1975) Guillermo Ulriksen Becker (1905–1979) Maria Angélica Ugarte Bühler (1915–2008) Johann Georg Bühler Bosch (1856–1911) Antonio Molinos Giner (1856–1933) Arturo Ugarte Castro (1872–1957) Sergio Luis Bühler Briones (1928–2005) Pascual Molinos Ferrer (1898–1927) Amelia Gaete Castro (1870–1954) Manuel Blasco Ejarque (1835–1907) Victor Ugarte Bühler (1906–1982) Canh Thoi Tran (1930–2021) Franz J. Chadima (1825–1909) Inocencia Ferrer Peñarroya (–1939) Clara Sepúlveda (–) Miguela Giner Asensio (1821–1885) Franz J. Chadima (1825–1909) Andrew Glenn Hamm (1912–1976) Luisa Mabel Buchanan Valdés (1906–1984) Pablo Ulriksen Ugarte (1942–2005) Juan Jeronimo Ugarte (1727–1815) Luz María Schmidt Montes (1942–2019) Sybila Señoret Guevara (–) Consuelo Molinos Martin (1917–2009) Jose Martin Blasco (–1936) Victor Ugarte Bühler (1906–1982) Luisa Mabel Buchanan Valdés (1906–1984) Luz María Schmidt Montes (1942–2019) Sergio García-Huidobro De Oliverira (1937–2005) Carmen Amalia  Bühler  Briones (1920–2021) Vicente Molinos Prats (1820–1901) Antonio Molinos Giner (1856–1933) Julián Prats Estupiña (1838–1883) Jorge Ugarte Bühler (1905–1980) Monica Acevedo (1940–1990) Matthaeus Bühler Bosch (1864–1943) Luz María Schmidt Montes (1942–2019) Estrella Martin Molinos (1923–2019) Franz J. Chadima (1825–1909) Andrew Glenn Hamm (1912–1976) Jorge Bühler Kowoll (1882–1942) Jorge Ugarte Bühler (1905–1980)