Mystery woman from Bohemia to America.pdf

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Last change
May 26, 202220:04:20
Author of last change: vicentem
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
195 3 106 89 Thursday, May 26, 2022 1:04 PM
Given names Surname Age Given names Surname Age Marriage Place Last change
Title Abbreviation Author Publication Individuals Families Media objects Shared notes Last change
Title Individuals Families Media objects Sources Last change
Vicente Guillermo Molinos Gaete (1900–1981) Luz María Schmidt Montes (1942–2019) Amelia Micaela del Pilar  Molinos Gaete (1901–1962) Jorge Bühler Kowoll (1882–1942) Franz J. Chadima (1825–1909) Vicente Guillermo Molinos Gaete (1900–1981) Antonio Molinos Giner (1856–1933) Estrella Martin Molinos (1923–2019) Frances Arvila Nesbit (1910–2006) Pablo Ulriksen Ugarte (1942–2005) Amelia Gaete Castro (1870–1954) Frances Arvila Nesbit (1910–2006) Jorge Bühler Kowoll (1882–1942) Victoria Bühler Kowoll (1881–1943) Maria Angélica Ugarte Bühler (1915–2008) Vicente Molinos Ferrer (1888–1962) Aubrey Lee Hamm (1904–1981) Julia Luisa Valdés Hidalgo (1881–1970) Ester Ugarte Bühler (1910–1932) Franz J. Chadima (1825–1909) Jorge Ugarte Bühler (1905–1980) Sylvia Anne Nesbit (1946–2002) Blanca Mujica Bühler (1920–2017) Andrew Glenn Hamm (1912–1976) Vicente Guillermo Molinos Gaete (1900–1981) Victor Ugarte Bühler (1906–1982) Liborio Molinos Giner (1843–1917) Antonio Molinos Giner (1856–1933) Monica Acevedo (1940–1990) Amelia Gaete Castro (1870–1954) Vicente Molinos Moliner (1760–1840) Vicente Molinos Prats (1820–1901) Matthaeus Bühler Bosch (1864–1943) Elena Elgueta Sepúlveda (–1980) Antonio Molinos Giner (1856–1933) Humberto Tomás Molinos Gaete (1895–1978) Guillermo Ulriksen Becker (1905–1979) Jorge Bühler Kowoll (1882–1942) Jose Molés Puell (1913–2002) Amalia Dorothea Kowoll Rau (1859–) Pedro Ugarte Ramirez (1817–1867) Luz María Schmidt Montes (1942–2019)