Marie Teresa Wilhamina, 18291919 (aged 89 years)

Marie Teresa /Wilhamina/
Religious marriage
Note: By VMU May 20, 2022. Earlier search of church records indicate that this particular church was burned in the early 1900 and all records destroyed.
Birth of a daughter
Note: Corrected by VMU on June 12, 2022 after afinding a search on FSO and revisiting the actual record. Previous date was 5 AUG 1876, no source."Michigan, County Births, 1867-1917," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 19 July 2021), Blanche Chadima, 4 Aug 1877; citing Birth, various county courts, Michigan. Father listed as Frank Chadima, Mother listed as Mary Chadima. Both born in "Austria". Father: Musician.
Marriage of a daughter
Note: June 12, 2022 VMU recorded several searches for John Nesbit, Wesley Meak Nesbit and Joseph Archer Nesbit and their spouses. Photos of results are pasted on Word docs stored under E_NEWGEN_NESBIT_Raw_Nesbit. Formal sources need to be pasted into Webtrees.
Death of a husband
January 29, 1919 (aged 89 years)
Family with Franz J. Chadima
Birth: 1825Czech Republic, Pardubice Region, Svitavy District, Litomyšl
Death: January 10, 1909
Birth: June 1829Austria, Bohemia
Death: January 29, 1919
Religious marriage Religious marriageAugust 10, 1857Old St. Mary Catholic Church at Chicago, Ill
Birth: August 4, 1877 52 48 Saginaw, Michigan, USA
Death: 1964Kelso, Washington
Religious marriage
Religious marriage

By VMU May 20, 2022. Earlier search of church records indicate that this particular church was burned in the early 1900 and all records destroyed.


Note by KHM: Said to be illegitimate daughter of general Bourbaki a lietenant of Napoleon. Her mother was a lady in waiting at the royal austrian? court. Marie had lived in a convent in France and came into Saginaw , Michigan at 20 with a man expelled from France for sedacious writings. Married Franz J. in Chicago. Married August 10, 1857 at St Marie Catholic Church at Chicago, Ill. Marie Batowetz seems to be the spelling on a Bureau of Pensions Document dated , Jan 15, 1898 cpied from the National Archives. A search of Banowetz reveals hits in Austrian last names search also a family website in US and connections to musicians.

Other possible surname - Bonathesis OR Rackenstain Possible Father


general, was born at Pau on the 22nd of April 1816, the son of a Greek colonel who died in the War of Independence in 1827. He entered St Cyr, and in 1836 joined the Zouaves, becoming lieutenant of the Foreign Legion in 1838, and aide-de-camp to

King Louis Philippe. It was in the African expedition that he first came to the front. In 1842 he was captain in the Zouaves; 1847, colonel of the Turcos; in 1850, lieutenant-colonel of the 1st Zouaves; 1851, ~colonel; 1854, brigadier-general. In the Crimean War he commanded a portion of the Algerian troops; and at the Alma, Inkerman and Sevastopol Bourbaki’s name became famous. In 1857 he was made general of division, commanding in 1859 at Lyons. His success in the war with Italy was only second to that of MacMah~n, and in 1862 he was proposed as a candidate for the vacant Greek throne, but declined the proffered honour. In 1870 the emperor entrusted him with the command of the Imperial Guard, and he played an important part in the fighting round Metz.

A curious incident of the siege of Metz is connected with Bourbaki’s name. A man who called himself Regnier,i about the 21st of September, appeared at Hastings, to seek an interview with the refugee empress Eugénie, and failing to obtain this he managed to get from the young prince imperial a signed photograph with a message to the emperor Napoleon. This he used, by means of a safe-conduct from Bismarck, as credentials to Marshal Bazaine, to whom he presented himself at Metz, telling him on the empress’s alleged authority that peace was about to be signed and that either Marshal Canrobert or General Bourbaki was to go to Hastings for the purpose. Bourbaki at once went to England, with Prussian connivance, as though he had a recognized mission, only to discover from the empress at Hastings that a trick had been played on him; and as soon as he could manage he returned to France. He offered his services to

Gambetta and received the command of the Northern Army, 1 but was recalled on the ioth of November and transferred to the

Army of the Loire. In command of the hastily-trained and ill-equipped Army of the East, Bourbaki made the attempt to raise the siege of Belfort, which, after the victory of Villersexel, ended in the repulse of the French in the three days’ battle of the Lisaine. Other German forces under Manteuffel now closed upon Bourbaki, and he was eventually driven over the Swiss frontier with the remnant of his forces (see FRANCO-GERMAN WAR). His troops were in the most desperate condition, owing to lack of food; and out of 150,000 men under him when he started, only 84,000 escaped from the Germans into Swiss territory. Bourbaki himself, rather than submit to the humiliation of a probable surrender, on the 26th of January 1871 delegated his functions to General Clinchant, and in the night fired a pistol at his own head, but the bullet, owing to a deviation of the weapon, was flattened against his skull and his life was saved. General Clinchant carried Bourbaki into Switzerland, and he recovered sufficiently to return to France. In July 1871 he again took the command at Lyons, and subsequently became military governor. In 1881, owing to his political opinions, he was placed on the retired list. In 1885 he was an unsuccessful candidate for the senate. He died on the 27th of September 1897. A patriotic Frenchman and a brilliant soldier and leader, Bourbaki, like some other French generals of the Second Empire whose training had been obtained in Africa, was found wanting in the higher elements ~f command when the European conditions of 1870 were concerned.


VMU, May 25, 2022. General Dennis Bourbaki was born in April 1816. He received a scholarship and promotions before his puberty to study at a very prestigious military school. He lived in a pension while attending military school. Based on Mary Chadima's self declared birth date of Nov 1829 to the 1900 US Census, Dennis Bourbaki would have been 2 months short of his 13 th birthday at Mary's conception. Given his precocity it is possible. VMU has seen an old portrait of the General in Sylvia Nesbit's home in Upper Coweeman.

Media object
Media object
USCensus1900, Francis Chadima, Joe Nesbit record-image_.jpg
USCensus1900, Francis Chadima, Joe Nesbit record-image_.jpg
Note: ¨Mary¨ Chadima (married name) declares to the 1900 US Census taker having been born from a French father and Austrian mother and having married 42 yrs ago.
Media object
Mystery woman from Bohemia to America.pdf
Franz J. Chadima (1825–1909) Matthaeus Bühler Bosch (1864–1943) Guillermo Ulriksen Becker (1905–1979) Vicente Molinos Ferrer (1888–1962) Miguel Molinos (1628–1695) Luisa Mabel Buchanan Valdés (1906–1984) Pablo Ulriksen Ugarte (1942–2005) Blanca Mujica Bühler (1920–2017) Carmen Amalia  Bühler  Briones (1920–2021) Matthaeus Bühler Bosch (1864–1943) Liborio Molinos Giner (1843–1917) Frances Arvila Nesbit (1910–2006) Adriana Inés  Bühler  Briones (1922–1965) Vicente Molinos Moliner (1760–1840) Andrew Glenn Hamm (1912–1976) Eduardo Ugarte Bühler (1903–1975) Maria Angélica Ugarte Bühler (1915–2008) Luz María Schmidt Montes (1942–2019) Vicente Guillermo Molinos Gaete (1900–1981) Arturo Ugarte Castro (1872–1957) Amelia Micaela del Pilar  Molinos Gaete (1901–1962) Pedro Ugarte Otero (1843–1914) Frances Arvila Nesbit (1910–2006) Juan Jeronimo Ugarte (1727–1815) Marie Teresa Wilhamina (1829–1919) Aubrey Lee Hamm (1904–1981) Franz J. Chadima (1825–1909) Estrella Martin Molinos (1923–2019) Manuel Blasco Ejarque (1835–1907) Luisa Mabel Buchanan Valdés (1906–1984) Amelia Gaete Castro (1870–1954) Victor Ugarte Bühler (1906–1982) Lenton Hamm (1914–1996) Jose Molés Puell (1913–2002) Arturo Ugarte Castro (1872–1957) Johann Georg  Bühler (1819–) Jorge Macario Bühler Briones (1924–2019) Antonio Molinos Giner (1856–1933) Jorge Bühler Kowoll (1882–1942)