
The ¨Themandus¨ website enables collaborative work to discover, document and disseminate the history of the families related to the great-grandparents Molinos-Prats, Ugarte-Otero, Bühler-Bosch, Hamm, Howard, Chadima and Nesbit.


  1. Its scope is global (English, Spanish, German) and intergenerational. It includes families related to the great-grandparents mentioned: by ancestry, descent, marriages, civil unions or adoptions.
  2. The public site “Themandus” in WordPress software and the family tree ¨Moluga¨ in Webtrees software, are a harmonious whole. Both use open source software with excellent maintenance, support and security.
  3. The six regional rooms encourage a sense of belonging and collaborative, decentralized development. They share standards of source documentation and mutual respect.
  4. Moluga is a repository of genealogical data from families who have contributed their own. Only viewers registered with Webtrees can see data from living people of legal age.
  5. Non-profit and maintained by volunteers. Initial design costs and annual operating costs are contributed by the families.

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