Pedro Ugarte Ramirez, 18171867 (aged 50 years)

Juez PedroUgarte Ramirez,Leade
Pedro /Ugarte/ Ramirez
Resumen de la revolucion de1851 y el rol del Juez Pedro Ugarte. Ver tambien cartas de Bilbao desde Peru. Nota al pie de pag 40 sobre el Juez Ugarte forzando al Capitan del barco a dejarle en Callao en vez de Inglaterra dondel Gob. de Montt le habia exilado.

Death of a father
Note: Fuente prelim. Nota en printout extraido de Genealogia Ugarte por Mauricio Pilleux.
1817 58
Birth of a son
1843 (aged 26 years)
Note: Date handwritten by VUB on photo Photo scanned by PJUE 24 Ju 2006.ppt file with VAMU
Religious marriage
Note: Family search fro Chile records, June 7, 2022 by VMU
Birth of a son
1850 (aged 33 years)
Revolt leader
April 20, 1851 (aged 34 years)
Note: Juez Pedro Ugarte together with Francisco Bilbao and other liberals led the failed revolution against the authoritarian excesses of Presidente Manuel Montt. PUR was jailed and then exiled to Lima, Perú. Upon his return he was elected Diputado for Talca province but died before taking office. The full story is at
Marriage of a son
Note: FSO busqueda Sept 2024. Copia en NEWGEN/Ugarte/Raw. Nombre de la madre de Gertrudis o Jertrudis en el cert de matrimonio en FSO es Cruz Vera. Eso explica los recuerdos de Maruja UB de "de la Veracruz" como apellido materno de Gertrudis. PUO se casó a los 15 años y 8 meses aprox.
Family with parents
Birth: 1759 31 Chile, Santiago
Death: 1812
Marriage MarriageJune 4, 1797Catedral de Santiago, Santiago, Chile
Juez PedroUgarte Ramirez,Leade
Birth: 1817 58 Chile
Death: 1867after being exiled to Peru in Peru 1851 for acting as impartial judge against government thugs who assaulted the Sociedad de la Igualdad meeting, Aug 1850, Santiago, Chile
Family with Carmen Otero
Juez PedroUgarte Ramirez,Leade
Birth: 1817 58 Chile
Death: 1867after being exiled to Peru in Peru 1851 for acting as impartial judge against government thugs who assaulted the Sociedad de la Igualdad meeting, Aug 1850, Santiago, Chile
Pedro Ugarte de Otero y Vial
Birth: 1843 26 18
Death: May 31, 1914Talagante, Chile
Family with Natalia del Solar Valdes
Juez PedroUgarte Ramirez,Leade
Birth: 1817 58 Chile
Death: 1867after being exiled to Peru in Peru 1851 for acting as impartial judge against government thugs who assaulted the Sociedad de la Igualdad meeting, Aug 1850, Santiago, Chile
Religious marriage Religious marriageAugust 8, 1844Chile, Region Metropolitana, Santiago, Parroquia El Sagrario
7 years
Birth: 1850 33 Chile
Religious marriage

Family search fro Chile records, June 7, 2022 by VMU

Revolt leader

Juez Pedro Ugarte together with Francisco Bilbao and other liberals led the failed revolution against the authoritarian excesses of Presidente Manuel Montt. PUR was jailed and then exiled to Lima, Perú. Upon his return he was elected Diputado for Talca province but died before taking office. The full story is at

Resumen de la revolucion de1851 y el rol del Juez Pedro Ugarte. Ver tambien cartas de Bilbao desde Peru. Nota al pie de pag 40 sobre el Juez Ugarte forzando al Capitan del barco a dejarle en Callao en vez de Inglaterra dondel Gob. de Montt le habia exilado.

Apaleo del gobierno de Montt a la Sociedad de la Igualdad.Rol del Juez Pedro Ugarte Ramirez, revolución 1851 y exilio a Lima. Correspondencia ente Bilbao y Amunategui pag 40.

Media object
Juez PedroUgarte Ramirez,Leade
Juez PedroUgarte Ramirez,Leade

Judge Pedro Ugarte Ramírez (1817-1867).

The story written by Vicente MU is here.

Guillermo Bühler Kowoll (1888–1949) Matthaeus Bühler Bosch (1864–1943) Humberto Tomás Molinos Gaete (1895–1978) Arturo Ugarte Castro (1872–1957) Liborio Molinos Giner (1843–1917) Matthaeus Bühler Bosch (1864–1943) Juan Jeronimo Ugarte (1727–1815) Antonio Molinos Giner (1856–1933) Julia Luisa Valdés Hidalgo (1881–1970) Pedro Ugarte Otero (1843–1914) Guillermo Ulriksen Becker (1905–1979) Jose Molés Puell (1913–2002) Jorge Ugarte Bühler (1905–1980) Antonio Molinos Giner (1856–1933) Sergio García-Huidobro De Oliverira (1937–2005) Vicente Molinos Ferrer (1888–1962) Amelia Gaete Castro (1870–1954) Arturo Ugarte Castro (1872–1957) Vicente Molinos Moliner (1760–1840) Clara Sepúlveda (–) Luisa Mabel Buchanan Valdés (1906–1984) Miguel Molinos (1628–1695) Estrella Martin Molinos (1923–2019) Marie Teresa Wilhamina (1829–1919) Pablo Ulriksen Ugarte (1942–2005) Vicente Molinos Prats (1820–1901) Antonio Molinos Giner (1856–1933) Aubrey Lee Hamm (1904–1981) Frances Arvila Nesbit (1910–2006) Juan Jeronimo Ugarte (1727–1815) Franz J. Chadima (1825–1909) Sylvia Anne Nesbit (1946–2002) Maria Angélica Ugarte Bühler (1915–2008) Guillermo Ulriksen Becker (1905–1979) Angelines Gil Molinos (1925–2019) Arturo Ugarte Bühler (1900–1970) Manuel Blasco Ejarque (1835–1907) Antonio Molinos Giner (1856–1933) Franz J. Chadima (1825–1909) Julián Prats Estupiña (1838–1883) Julián Prats Estupiña (1838–1883) Elena Elgueta Sepúlveda (–1980) Franz J. Chadima (1825–1909) Ester Ugarte Bühler (1910–1932)